
Final Project for Udacity's Object-Oriented JavaScript course.

How to run the game

Simply open index.html in your favourite browser and have fun! All dependencies are in the repository



to query string to see player and enemy coordinates and square positions


  1. jQuery
  2. sweet-alert


  1. Improve collision logic
  2. Refactor engine closure
  3. Add items in game
  4. Add timed game
  5. Add bugs coming in from the right hand side of the screen too
  6. Improve README detailing all steps required to run the game
  7. Use bower to manage dependencies
  8. Create a menu that allows the player to select the number of rows and enemies
  9. Add second player
  10. Add audio
  11. Allow player to select player image and enemy image
  12. Add sign-up and leader board
  13. Add CSS or image explaining the keys needed
  14. Achievements
  15. Review performance & optimise

Students should use this rubric:!/c-ud015/l-3072058665/m-3072588797

for self-checking their submission.